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Es ist genau genug Zeit ( It's exactly enough time) by Oskar Salomonowitz, Virgil Widrich.SLASH Filmfestival - Trailer 2021 by HYPHE (Franz Mühringer, Elias Fleischer).Calcium Tears by Janka Dósa (winner of Best Student and Audience Award).Zakar - Überdenken des öffentlichen Raums in Zeiten von AI ( Reflecting public space in times of AI) by OUT! (Andra Băltiou, Davide Porta, Juaniko Moreno, Marco Camargo, Sandro Miccoli, Wei Wu).It took place from April 25-30 in Vienna. The festival which was originally planned for November 2021 but was pushed to April due to COVID lockdowns. All winners were decided by Jury and Audience with awards presented at the Closing Ceremony of the Best Austrian Animation Festival in Vienna on the April 28.Ī free online program featuring all the winners will be available internationally from May 2-9 here.

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ASIFA Austria has announced an online screening featuring the Best Austrian Animation 2021 - Award Winners.

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