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“He was this comic that was kind of dirty, and then he did ‘Full House.’ “ “Full House” star Bob Saget poses with his television daughters. “I saw Bob on HBO’s Rodney Dangerfield special 30 years ago,” “Entourage” creator Doug Ellin told The Post. Friends remember the late Bob Saget as a filthy comic, a wonderful friend and a devoted father. The beloved actor once did “whippits” - hits of nitrous oxide - on the set of “Full House,” admitted he was “a flirter” with other women in the final years of his first marriage and copped to drunken driving in the aftermath of his divorce. That persona followed him as he also took the helm of “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” in which his family-friendly commentary made us think butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.īut in real life, Saget - who was found dead in an Orlando hotel room on Sunday at the age of 65 - was known in showbiz circles and by comedy fans for his raunchy act and bawdy sense of humor. In the late 1980s, comedian Bob Saget became a household name on the sitcom “Full House” playing Danny Tanner, an earnest widowed father of three. ‘Full House’ cast sets emotional reunion 2 months after Bob Saget’s deathīob Saget’s surprising final role revealed: a chef in rap video Judge permanently blocks release of Bob Saget autopsy records Bob Saget tribute on Netflix will include emotional footage of memorial

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